Mindful Heart Consultancy conducted online "Happiness Symposium", And Feeling
very very Glad that we received overwhelming response.
Every one has shared his/her own opinion as per his/ her own life experiences,
knowledge though the common thread among all is that, we need to become
mindful towards small small things to live with the "happiness" in that particular
moment, and try our best to share it with others.
Let me share all the write ups here.
Happiness is such a nebulous term. It can be
defined as contentment, joy, pleasure, cheerfulness, gaiety
and even high
spirits. However, it should also be borne in mind that it is also a very
relative concept. The
source of happiness for one person might not be the
source of happiness for another.
Off late, a lot of discussion is taking place
about the happiness quotient of a person. In fact research studies are
done for the same. Most of these veer to the thought of measuring it against
certain physical and mental
norms. India is a country with a rich cultural
heritage. It is replete with stories of incarnations of great saints
philosophers. Beginning with the Aryan civilisation and
Hindu philosophy the emphasis is on nirvana,
moksha. Our culture essentially is
of sacrifice, giving up worldly pleasures. The philosophies, which came up
later also speak of renouncing pleasures. Buddhism for example says that freedom from
suffering is possible only
when we overcome our cravings. Of course the lay
people can seek ‘Sukha’, but it has to be combined with
kindness, compassion
and welfare for all. All other religions, speak about service to
God and mankind.
So certainly happiness is above utilitarian
needs and desires. We have examples of people having all physical
comforts but
still not happy. That is because happiness is a state of mind. It is not
dependent on others but on
one's own attitude. A person in the most difficult
maybe happy but one with all comforts can keep on complaining.
World over everyone is looking towards India
for the ancient Hindu way of life. Our seers certainly have shown
us the way
for contentment. It is only in the modern times when we have start aping other
cultures for worldly
pleasures and material joy only that our culture is being
To my mind, in the modern parlance of
happiness quotient, India maybe far behind but just one look
at our society
will surely reflect that,we will still are a happy lot.
The Happiness Planner is a unique concept. It
helps us Visualise and plan for things that give happiness to
others. In our
daily rush, often we forget to wish others on their birthdays or special
days. At times we overlook
the importance of
celebrating festivals or special occasions. This can be possible due to the
happiness planner.
Also the planner has suggested really wonderful ways to
bring joy in our lives as well as in the lives of others.
It is a propagating a
novel concept.
From Swati Mhase Patil. IAS.
quotient going down in India. India ranked 140th in 157 countries; this
really shocked us as commons and sent tremors in psychologists, and
provoked thought
processes for the thinkers.We have forgotten the value of
giving which our age old tradition, our
culture has taught us. We have become self centered materialistic
and live in factual world.Small things done and small things
pursued every day will definitely add up for our happiness
Arati suryawanshi Director, Mindful Heat Consultancy, and my friend, is a leading
clinical psychologist and E.Q. thinker and guide. The Planner gifted by Arati is
treasure of values and small tiny things towards our quest for happiness.
Thank you Aarati, for wonderful gift and hats off to your thoughtfulness and creativity.
Wish you best luck and keep on doing such wonderful things that add to happiness.
--- Swati Mhase Patil.
From: Ranjit Nalawade, Registrar, Sainik School, Satara.
"Deciphering cause of unhappiness quotient in
1. Our ancient glory:-
Most of the educated Indian has grown up reading / listening
mythological stories of our rich culture, heritage... Ram Rajya ... era of Gods.
They firmly
believe this is an era of Kali Yug. Subconsciously we all
think we are living in
one of the worst era of our history hence they seem to
developed feeling of dis-satisfaction.
2. Effects of Kingdom
culture:- prior to British era we were all ruled by one or the other Kings.
Ruled by powerful few. We are still in ‘Praja ‘ mode hoping some king to take
care of us.
3. Effect of British
and Moghul Rule:-
Ghost of slavery and
barbarism of Moguls and British rule still have scars on us .
This era saw our
nation pushed to economically, morally, spiritually and culturally slavery.
are yet to recover from it
4. Post Independence
Effect:- People has lot of hopes of prosperity.. peace, financial stability
well being post independence . But our political class proved them otherwise.
Sooner they
realised the state of the country and are extremely unhappy about
5. Few other
- Population - makes
all of us to struggle, Compete and be cautious about it.
6. Public delivery
system:- people are fed up of problems they face while facing government
institutions and getting their work done
7. Corruption- No need
to explain.
From: Gitanjali Nalawade, Satara.
"Causes of unhappiness quotient in indians."
1. Religion--Religion is biggest cause to differentiate our society
and create a reason of unhappiness.Because of this religion we are not sharing
our happiness with others.
2. Individual freedom-- If you see our society is male dominant society.
Our society not allows us to take our own decision not to female person but also
3. Population-- Our big tragedy is in 2019 also our people are struggling for
basic needs for this situation one reason is population and obviously unhappiness.
4. Corruption-- Can't help it. People need to change it.
5. Law and order-- Now a days we are facing big problem like rape/gang rape,
it's very inhuman. Some people need to change their thinking process.
So society (your mother and sisters) can live freely and because she (lady) is the reason.
6. Too much of expectations. .......
अनिरुद्ध जोशी , रसिका जोशी , प्रसिद्ध गायक, मुंबई.
"चला आनंद टिकवूया. "
"आरती सूर्यवंशी यांचा हॅप्पीनेस प्रोग्रॅम"
From: Jyotsna Balajiwale, English Expert, Nasik.
Now according to me people define happiness with money, wealth, kind
commoners cannot
think about internal happiness. When basic needs are not
fulfilled how can human beings be
Running for a pot of water, no
shelter, food, each step is a tough struggle, happiness far away,
right one
can’t remain satisfied.
Thus mental satiety involves happiness now you may ask do all
those who all have satisfaction
already happy?? In their case no reason for
being unhappy, but they are.!!!?
Because here I would say, man is always dissatisfied, avaricious
wants more and more, hands
permanently spread unending wants, I have this want
that, that and that.
Joining happiness with kind not mind as that is that state of
mind when and where man
remains, satisfied, happy with whatever he has, irrespective
of his belongings, surroundings
basics, in fact whatever he is and has he
remains in a state of happiness satiety, he puts on
a “sukhi manasacha sadra”, gets
good sleep, no ailments, no thoughts of jealousy, hatred,
competition, politics, nothing,
blank sky becomes shelter, bread to dip in water, but he is happy.
No wants, opposite a
proverb goes “uneasy lies the head that wears a crown”.
It represents, this
happiness is a relative term, varies person to person.
Read about your Mindful Happiness Planner, a unique practical
Can be easily put into our routine, how come these suggestions
struck your mind,
Knowing you as a person you seem to be doing all this always
distributing happiness
I don’t think you ever get angry, both of you make a
happy couple, perfect match thus the
planner comes to your mind.
From : Priya Bawadekar, Chetna Systems, Pune.
"Let's plan with small small things."
आपल्या रोजच्या कामाच्या रगाड्यात आणि दैनंदिन जगण्यामध्ये आपण बरेचदा
From: Harshad Gharat, Alibaug.
From: Shreemati Priya Sawant, Leading ladies foundation, Delhi.
"Possible factors I Feel..."
a. Indians value more about other people's
opinion in each n every life situation. It can be as simple as
eating in a
restaurant, wearing clothes, buying car, home, choosing schools for children
...careers...n they
are under constant pressure of by being judged by other
b. They are always facing the mental conflict
n do the things which they feel others will respect rather
than their own choice
or passion… that leads to stress.
c. There is constant comparison
There is constant struggle for proving
yourself superior to others.
Giving importance to materialistic things than
just being and valuing and respecting fellow human beings
as they are Unable to spend quality time with dear ones
creating emotional blockages
Strong racism and several religious
Gender bias ...and ego problems.
d. Too much engulfed n entangled in technical
world. Less health conscious
Most important one. They are unaware of the
India is the blessed land Climate, Culture, Cuisine, Core values,
and what not ...we do have best metal tools like
pranayam..yoga ..which world is relying upon and we are ignoring or
unable to make best use of it and
our natural resources too…
From : Sujay Raut, Chairman Holi Cross School,
Ramkrishna Mission, Pethwadgaon, Kolhapur.
From: Deepti Karale, Naturopathy Expert, Mumbai.
"आनंद "

"Thank you Arati for this one Specially."
Mindful Heart Happiness planner, is the
best planner which teaches or suggests us that how to spread the happiness in
our heart as well as in others. We definitely owe something to our society and
so must return back to it, no need to spend the money but through our
behavioural help we can serve or help others and can try to make happy who are
really needed. For this honest purpose this planner
suggestions are very thoughtful, very simple and so the application is very
easy. This planner will definitely help everyone to serve our society and make
it happy. Would love to follow this planner and will suggest
others also to follow. Thank you Arati for this one specially.
From: Dr. Varsha Patil, Gynaecologist and Laparoscopic surgeon, Colaba,
is a relative term.."
It means different things to different people
at different times in their life..
However, a balanced life in terms of Health,
wealth and relationships should be considered as a indicator
happiness.. As Indian, It’s very disappointing to
know that we are very low on our happiness quotient. I think the important
reason is that we have become very greedy. Due to the excessive population growth, our
resources are not enough. Anything and everything gets divided into too
many parts, especially the money we earn. So the feeling of security and
financial freedom is lacking. Also, due to democracy, the rules and
regulations are not working. So there is chaos at work, chaos on the road
and overall, there is no serenity in our house and our lives. Also, wealth is not evenly distributed. The rich are too rich, whereas the poor is too
poor.Most probably, education has a role in life to
make us feel worthy and happy.
Education brings security. We need to
give more importance to morals and values and lessimportance to accumulate wealth
and introspect; how much is enough??? The competition to accumulate wealth is
causing deep sense of insecurity and unhappiness. Uncertainty about the
future is also a concern and leads to happiness. Education is the key to
balance the inequities. Man/woman,
rich/poor... all should have a basic
education to earn a living.
Our country has the resources to improve our
happiness quotient, they have to be accessible and available to all.
Education, and Long lasting relationships are
the aspects we need to highlight on the future generations to make our nation
I think that it
is giving us wide range of deeds to do everyday. Some are really easy to
follow and bring happiness in our and other peoples lives. We can plan
accordingly our day and feel and spread happiness at the same time. Thank you
Arati. Best wishes and your gifts are so creative they are always awaited.
From Neena Suryawanshi.
Compiled by Vaishnavi Vaze, Vishwas Bank, Nasik.
"सुखाचे सॅशे "
Mindful Heart Happiness Planner is kind of "SUKHACHE SASHE" for me. I take one every day and start my day. Thank you so much Arati for sharing this with me. ---Vaishnavi
From Tulsi Patil, student BBA, NMIMS, Mumbai.
Why is our happiness quotient so low?
As a teenager, I don’t
feel that happy because there is constant competition to perform better. Be it
studies, extra-curricular or social circle. We always have the pressure to keep
doing something extraordinary or do better than our peers. That gives us stress
and we are always worried about the future.
What can we do about it?
Exercise helps a lot
and yoga has helped reduce my stress. Even having a good group of friends who
support you will make you feel better. Also talking to your family daily makes
you feel better. Also, having a loving pet makes you feel responsible and
loved. These small things help me in feeling much happier.
Views on the
happiness planner-
I think the happiness
planner will help me live a more fulfilled life. Some days require planning in
advance but others are simple lessons we must remember in life.
This will help reduce
stress and anxiety, as I will always know that there is something fun and
exciting to do the next day. I will definitely try to complete the tasks and
most of them are very simple and require little effort but it goes a long way.
Very happy to know that I can use this in my daily life.
From Dr. Abhijit Kulkarni, Prof. Botany, Nagar College, Nagar.
The most wonderful and happiest moments of
life, I have spent with my friends. So for me friends are the purest form of
happiness. I personally feel that “God has created this element just to make
everyone happy on this earth”. It’s really amazing that in any moment of
our life, we always expect our best friend should be with us. Whenever we feel
lonely, stressed and depressed, a friend enters in our life like a breeze,
refresh us and make us happy.
One thing is sure about this breeze is that we
always know that it’s there around us all the time and even if it goes away,
it’s surely be back. Well said by William Shakespeare “A friend is one that
knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have
become and still gently allows you to grow”
So, for me friendship is happiness. It
has no survival value but it one of those things which give value to survival.
Dr. Sangeeta Kulkarni, Prof. Botany, Nagar
"वृद्ध व्यक्तिच्या आनंदात आनंद."
Dr. Sonal Ghule, Padiatrician.
To be is to expect less. You do whatever you
need to do rather than expecting someone else doing that for you.
Ultimately just after this smallest change in
the world one feels light...calm and has control over his/her
feelings...his/her own decisions and that boosts self-confidence. Life gives
happiness in small- small things but if you miss that in order to see the
bigger picture you will end up in seeing shrinks no matter how hard you try.
May be we look at each other and want what
they have and not being satisfied what they themselves have...I think so
satisfaction is the key to the happiness.
Thank you Arati Maam, for giving me a gift of happiness planner.It’s giving me immense satisfaction whenever I try my best to
use it.
Mindful Heart Happiness Planner: 2019
20. It
was really a wonderful and new concept
Milind Shelukar, Nasik.
21. Thank
you for the gift full of mind and thoughts, आयुष्य खूप tension free जाईल. if
we plan like this.
Jyoti Dhakane,Engineer, Educator, Mumbai.
22. किती सुंदर कॅलेंडर बनवलं आहेस ... आणि किती छोट्या छोट्या पण सेन्सिटिव्ह गोष्टी करायला सांगितल्या आहेत... really appropriate... केलाच पाहिजे ... मी एक कॉपी मुलांजवळ पाठवते ... very useful for them also.
By Smita Ghule Morale, Pune.
24. Received
your lovely gift, something different. Great Concept.
By Shubhangi Bhave and Supriya Bhave.
25 Thank
you for your innovative gift.
Dr. Rohini Nagarkar, Paediatrician, Pune.
26. If one would follow this planner, nobody
will need antiaxiolytics to calm the mind… Amazing gift… Thank you.
Shri. Atul Bhave.
27. Got
the Happiness Planner, It’s awesome. Very thoughtfully made. It will really help me in my wellbeing.
Raj Deshmukh.
28. Very nice happiness planner. Really found it
useful and innovative.
By Neeta Padwal, Business woman, Mumbai.
29. It’s amazing, just liked it. Very innovative.
By Ruplakshmi Shinde, Artist, Mumbai.
30. This
is so thoughtful. You are the most loving.
By Dr. Varsha Patil, Gynaecologist, Mumbai
31. Received Planner… Great Idea…. Thank you.
By Adv. Sandeep Marne, Mumbai
32. Received
Happiness Planner. Such an Innovative way to be happy and make others happy around us. Thank you.
By Jyoti Gade, Consultant, Mumbai.