Saturday, 31 October 2015

Reactive Goals : No Access for Success

In the journey of life the best part is that, along the journey, we meet with beautiful human beings and minds and their hearts.

It is also about knowing new things from them.  Completely new sides of positivity and new sides of negativity, which I have never ever thought about. Unimaginable. So, today I want to write about Reactive Goals.

For me Reactive Goals are Goals when people have very limited goal in their hand. Very small, single directional, single thought only. That doesn't allow any other directions, any other thoughts, any other ideas or openness.

Their ideas about life are same as about people around them, about their leaders, about their managements. How does this happen? What takes place in their lives? But something happens this way, When people meet people and look at the situation through another persons Spectakles, which has single lense and that is also broken. Then this single directional, soul thought oriented approach takes place.

In this, They are not even aware about their own situation and what is happening with them?  The image is completely distorted. That becomes Scary. Scary for themselves. For their families and their lives. 

Because then they have a very limited, ristrictive, narrow, one sided, imcomplete approach for life, for people, for situations. And everything seem challenging and competitive to them. Then it becomes extremely untrustworthy. They may say NO to the situations which are important for them to grow.

They may even say NO for growth. And prefer NO access for success.

This is the completely unique situation I found which is not healthy at all. Which shows direct need of Well-being sessions in their lives.

Where as, at another side of the world, People are wearing decorative lenses to look at the world.

The complete approach is opposite. It looks beautiful. It is open, accepting, sharing, colourful. Multi directional, multi ideas are welcomed, various thoughts are discussed, analysed and then final decision is taken place.

That decision always takes people towards success. Because that involves emotional intelligence. They accept change, accept new ideas, open for new thoughts, with non-judgemental approach.  

They enjoy the process and whole journey with joy. They create positive energy  and spread it around. They know that their goals are meaningful. People around them start cooperating with them and helping with them.

They might not be fully aware about the situation but they accept it and try their best to become more aware about it.

They choose from the options available and also try their best to create new options for them. They choose. And

They give themselves the same which they choose and opt for their lives. As Optimism, Navigating emotions, and consequential thinking. They apply their consequential thinking for their success.

That is how they bring EQ WHEEL into action.

What do you choose for your life?

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