Monday, 8 September 2014

Be You. Be Your Own Leader.

Be You . Be Your Own Leader.
 a message to a daughter and a son by their ma and pa and also to anyone who is striving hard and moving forward with his / her own effort....

When a person strives hard for the best in life and gets it then what he / she wants. That’s like a glory of life. Everything is set then. Sometimes feels like nothing is remained to achieve more. But No. It’s actually beginning of your new life. It’s New life altogether. That also brings Transition in your life. But always remember that Change is Inevitable, it is ought to happen and now it is happening for Betterment of your life. Progress of our life. Growth and Development of our life. And it is there to add value and meaning in your efforts.

I found people thinking that, “ Why did they strived so hard? If they wouldn’t have strived hard then  they wouldn’t have to face this difficult time in life.”  But Who decides difficulty of time? And how can we be so sure that if ever efforts were not been taken then there will be no difficulty?   The situation can become even worse when no efforts are there than striving hard and taking efforts.

How about Thanking life which is passed by , and also thanking and welcoming  new phase of your life. This phase in your life  is there to check and recheck :: Who You Are? What is your Purpose of Life? What Principals of Life you have? If you know everything already then this is there to recheck. And Thank for giving this particular opportunity, thank for Meeting with new people, knowing new cultures and food, Thank for  Given a chance to prove yourselves. Now and always. 

Be You . Be Your Own Leader...

Was checking with a video clip and I found this one… Have a look. Please share anything you think about it...

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